Logo of Viyal Technologies.
Logo of KnockDok.

The Virtual Polyclinic

KnockDok enables seamless healthcare administration anywhere at any time with just a few clicks.
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Viyal’s KnockDok: An Overview

A decorative red color line.

KnockDok from Viyal Technologies is a virtual polyclinic bridging the communication gap between doctors and patients. KnockDok is a brilliant solution created in response to the demand for best practices, evidence-based medicine, uniform terminologies, and systematic documentation driven by digital medical transformations.

It takes care of billing, front office responsibilities, assistant duties, health records, and other mandatory workflows to ensure practitioners stay on top of the ontology of documentation. KnockDok is a digital marvel of dynamic templates enabling you to create comprehensive electronic health records with a few clicks. It helps you address your administrative challenges with the vision of efficient usability.

The image of medical professionals explaining a patient.

A Medical Practitioners' Key Challenges

A decorative red color line.

The KnockDok platform is designed to address most of the challenges associated with digital transformation. It caters to the following issues:

Vector icon for lack of health.

Lack of health records of patients’ most recent hospital visits.

Vector icon for lack of information.

Lack of information regarding patients’ follow-up consultations.

Vector icon for lack of ample.

Lack of ample space to store patient records.

Vector icon for lack of adequate.

Lack of adequate space in clinics to seat your patients.

Vector icon for inability to schedule.

Inability to schedule patients’ consultations.

Vector icon for failure to manage.

Failure to manage time efficiently for consultation schedules.

Vector icon for managing the operational requirements.

Managing the operational requirements of the hospitals / clinics / individual physicians.

Vector icon for managing the revenue.

Managing the revenue of the systems.

A decorative pattern in faded red color.

Viyal’s KnockDok: Unique Features

A decorative red color line.

Leverage Your Medical Practice With KnockDok

A decorative white color line.
KnockDok takes the utmost care to document the data capture and verification process. Talk to our team for more information.
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